PySide6 & PyQt6 are out, both based on Qt 6.1

For anyone not catching the news: PySide6, based on Qt 6.1, is out. A lot of bugs have been fixed, so you might want to upgrade.

This new release finally has exec() now, as stated HERE:

Considering that we are not supporting Python 2, for PySide 6.x, we noticed that our workaround function exec_() was not needed anymore, so now you can safely use exec() :sweat_smile:.

@martin, I guess you can safely remove the exec_() or exec() checks in the pyqtconfig code that imports things based on whether PySide6 or PyQt6 is used.

Furthermore, Riverbank Computing Limited has released PyQt6, based on Qt 6.1.

I had to tweak my codebase for it to run on PyQt6 v6.1. Enum type names have to be fixed if upgrading from PyQt6 v6.0 to v6.1:

from PyQt6.QtCore import Qt
from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QDialogButtonBox

Qt.ItemFlags --> Qt.ItemFlag
Qt.TextInteractionFlags --> Qt.TextInteractionFlag
Qt.QDialogButtonBox.StandardButtons --> Qt.QDialogButtonBox.StandardButton


Basically, PyQt6 v6.1 now adopts the same singular form for enum type names just like PySide6 has adopted in v6.0. So, @martin, I guess you can also safely remove the enum type name checks in the pyqtconfig code, based on whether PySide6 or PyQt6 is used.

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Thanks for spotting this, some nice news there!

Considering that we are not supporting Python 2, for PySide 6.x, we noticed that our workaround function exec_() was not needed anymore, so now you can safely use exec()

Just in time for me to split out the PySide tutorials – uploaded them today using exec_() style. Oh well, easily fixed. I’ll probably wait a month or so for this to settle though.

Qt.ItemFlags --> Qt.ItemFlag
Qt.TextInteractionFlags --> Qt.TextInteractionFlag

This is some welcome news – I noticed this difference when updating the Qt6 versions of the books and it stopped me doing the migration to the long names in PySide6. Again I may wait a bit before doing the change for PySide, but I guess the PyQt6 book needs an update now!

Nice that they’re moving in the directly for increased compatibility, had me worried for a minute there.