Which Model use?

Hey guys,
I’m using QAbstractListModel
I’m learning pyqt6 and i’m trying to developer an application.

For Educational Proporse. I Created a QListView and the user insert his name and if he clicks on ListView on his name or another name, it opens a QDialog to get some informations such as age and gender.

The application is loading and saving the input on QListView.

My problem is, how can i retrieve the information about the user.

Do you have a screenshot of what the GUI looks like so far? There are more than a few ways to do what you are asking.

Hey @garena welcome to the forum.

Are you storing the data in the list view model? You can retrieve data from a model using the .data() method, providing a appropriate role (type of data, e.g. Qt.DisplayRole for what is shown in the list) and an index to look it up.